Bartley Family Ballinaboy
Back row (l-r)
Gerald, Sean, Mary Jo.
Center row(l-r)
Padraig, Peader, Ann
Front row (l-r)
Philomena, Richard
Inset (right)
Parents Joe & Mary Ellen Bartley
Former Taoiseach Liam Cosgrove, who went to national school in Carna.
Mayor of Boston Marty Walsh, parents from Connemara.
2014-10-16 18.26.10
Connie Ni Fhartarta
Cllr Thomas Welby, Galway County Mayor with his wife Bernie & daughters Sharon & Louise
Thomas O’Curraoin
Ruairi O Bradaigh with Thomas O Curraoin.
PK, Patricia, Aoife and Aileen Joyce
Nicholas O’Connor
Josie Conneely
Post card from Padraic Pearse to the O Connor family.
Connemara West
Through the Decades
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